

The proportion of aging population in some countries is increasing currently, which causes many unpredictable effects on both individuals as well as the society. What are the effects on both sides?


With the increased living standards as well as the medical progress in modern society, the life expectancy of people has increased dramatically. In this essay, I would like to explore the effects of increased aging population on individuals and the society.


The effect on individuals is apparent. An increased proportion of the senior citizen means youngsters have to shoulder the responsibility of working for society as well as supporting the elderly. This can be another source of stress for young people in a society that is already featured with stress and anxiety. For the elderly themselves, they may need to spend more time in retirement, which usually involves loneliness and monotony. This is especially true for some senior people who used to do some interesting work or at important positions at work.


The increased proportion of the elderly also exerts significant impact on the society. The government, first of all, needs to allocate more pensions to the grey-haired while suffering from inadequate experienced workers. Meanwhile, the increasing proportion of the elderly may pose grave pressure on other social welfare system such as the Medicare system, which is not capable of accommodating such a huge demand.


Of course, there are some positive aspects about having more aged people on society. Being more experienced and wiser, aged people can help people around them and our society to function better, contributing more to society. However, there are many things to be done to meet the demand of an aged society.

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