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Topic: the population is more and more diversified. Why is the case? is it a positive or negative development?


The 21st century is characterized as an epoch with great population mobility. It is not uncommon in cosmopolitan cities to see people of different colors wearing different style of cloths and speaking exotic languages. There are many reasons leading to the diversified population.


First, an increasing number of students further their education in other countries, especially European and American countries which boast some most time-honored and renowned universities. Actually, its becoming a conspicuous trend in some Asian countries that many high school students start to pursue oversea education. Moreover, some international companies, in the hope of developing oversea market, assign highly experienced and skillful employees abroad to foreign locations. These elitists are very talented people running new business there. Whats more, some countries, such as Canada and New Zealand that are plagued by an aging population welcome skillful immigrants. The Americas have long been named as the melting pot or salad bowl, referring to their mixed population.


I believe it is overall a positive trend. For the international students, they are able to be acquainted with the most advanced science and technology and they can devote to the development of their own countries after graduation. Furthermore, multicultural environment facilitates mutual understanding between businessmen from different countries. However, we should not neglect the fact that some youngsters, admiring the advanced life style, gradually lose confidence in their own culture and may suffer from a lack of the sense of belonging.


To sum up, international students and businessmen who are traveling to other countries for different reasons, as well as immigrants, all contribute to a more diversified world.

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