她人还行,以前在英国留学过,现在回国在上海金融公司工作,雅思7分,妥妥的,澳洲雅思替考 代考

Some say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society; others say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambition. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some contends that the sole purpose our education is to prepare our young to be useful to our society, other contends that our education system should focus on helping them to fulfill their dreams. I tend to agree the later-A truly successful education should encompass individual ambition rather than rely on utilitarian side of society usefulness.

First by aiming at the purpose only to prepare useful young in education system, we are setting the tone in every aspects throughout our education, thus we are in a way framing our young by expecting them to be a useful adult in today’s ever changing society. An education system that builds solely on the pragmatic view is one frown upon any creative novel ideas. By emphasis on old way of practicing with step by step guidance we are essentially deprive the chance of breeding innovative individuals in our education system.   Creative and novelty ideas are likely to be thrown away judging by pragmatic utilitarian point of view. Thus aiming to produce batches of useful adult force is inevitably result a systematic suppression of innovation in education system. The result of which is a stagnant society with no true progress to live upon.

Secondly an educational system that embraces the purpose in helping its fellow student achieve their individual ambition is an open minded one. By helping its individual to achieve their fulfillment in pursuing their individual talent educational resources are most effectively allocated. A tolerant yet encouraging academic atmosphere can be formed in the aim of maximize individual potential. By tailoring to individual need we can better formulate creative thinker in our society with potentially increased academic rigor to the common mass.

Thus by aiming at the purpose of individual ambition fulfillment in our education system, we set an open mindedness in individuals and society alike. We need to stop limiting ourselves by aiming down to a mere pragmatic  view in our educational system.

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