
 Choosing a suitable career is becoming increasingly important to many young people, especially for fresh graduates from college. However, it faces various obstacles during the process.

First of all, with the lack of experiences, young people hardly realize what are the suitable jobs for themselves. Job descriptions simply illustrate the work contents in a written form that might mislead the young job seekers. Secondly, intense competition is another crucial reason for such phenomenon. Each year, thousands of graduates entering the labour market whereas there are limited vacancies for these less experienced young people. Meanwhile, with the rapid growth of technology, a great number of companies have increased their hiring standards for employment.


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>In some countries people are strongly influenced by fashion, such as clothing and hairstyle.  What in your opinion attracts people to fashion? Is this a positive or negative development?



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 Nowadays, some buildings such as offices and schools have open-space design instead of separate rooms.  Why is it so? Do you think that this is a positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Essay by Jeenn Lee Hsieh:
These days, it is common to see an increasing number of open-plan offices and schools, particularly in most major cities where there is limited area for buildings.  The main reason for this trend is cost, of course, since the value of floor space has been rising.  While having an open-space design is usually cheaper, it is worthy of more research on the pros and cons of this development.
To begin with, being cheaper in cost is certainly not the only positive aspect about the growingly popular open-space concept.  Regarding the construction of schools or universities, the open-plan design is meant to play the dual role of social interaction among students and environmental enhancement on a compact campus in the urban setting.  This is made possible by eliminating barriers such as walls, fences and hedges that traditionally used to separate distinct functional areas.  Meanwhile, such advantages may as well happen to the office floor.  It is argued that there are better interaction between staff, less distinction between different rankings of co-workers, more flexible space, and more natural light because of the removal of inteior walls.  All these serve to explain the popularity of the open-space design.
As often as not, the open-space design may just turn out to be a negative development leading to stress, if nothing else.  On the campus, it is reported that students are exposed to high levels of stress in their learning activities.  Surveys repetively show the majority of them are experiencing significant stress as a result of interpersonal conflicts, self-esteem complexities, time constraints, academic frustrations and emotional problems.  Similar effects are even more apparent in the working environment on the office floor.  For instance, it is hard for staff to concentrate due to lack of privacy and feeling of being watched.  What is more, problems of constant noise are likely to lower staff performance.
To sum up, there are both good things and bad things about open schools or open offices.  While the recent trend toward the open-plan design can be explained as at least cost-efficient, it is also important to know that those benefits are typically offset by myriad distractions and stressful situations.  Independent of the cost factor, not all people like the open-space design.  (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh


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Some countries achieve international success by building specialized sports facilities for top athletes to train instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


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Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore, children should be encouraged to watch television both at home and at school. To what extent, do you agree or disagree?



 Leadership member of a group?
When given the opportunity to choose between to become a leader or being as member of group, many would choose the less demanding role as a follower in a team environment. But I tend to argue that provided with necessity skills one should sought out to the leadership position for that being a leader entails greater responsibility and opportunities in personal development. Leader ship position is the seed to breed personal excellence and industrial expertise.
First and foremost, leadership skill sets entails a great deal of interpersonal skills. One need to be more versatile when confronted with different social settings, this is especially beneficial for those aim to become mastery in building efficient support relations. Leadership position not only require leaders to be more efficient in interpersonal communication, but this interactive setting also demand leaders to embrace a charismatic and caring personality that able to glue his team member towards a shared goal. This charismatic and endearing character often establishes a trustworthy basis upon which team members are inspired toward the common goal. Thus being a leader is the best formula to shape one’s personal charm coupled with development in sophisticated interpersonal skills.
Also, leadership position urges us to take up more responsibility than others, being a leader usually suggests project ownership is taken by the leader himself, failure at which will jeopardize his career advancement. With stake at hand, leaders often voluntarily take up responsibility of overseeing projects progress after allocate to various team members. Continuous dedication is the crucial element in any successful leadership. Thus gradually one learns to take necessary responsibility with ways to coordinate and allocate tasks to others.
Third but not least, leadership position greatly facilitates one’s understanding on respective area of expertise. Leadership position not only requires one to engage extensive with various tasks at hand but in-depth knowledge of a peculiar task cannot be expensed as well. For instance, if you are not resourceful enough towards a subject that involved in your project, you will not be able to provide assistance to your subordinate in time of need. Also, you will find it impossible to provide professional guidance or creative solution in project execution phase. Thus, professional know-how is needed for leaders to carry out projects successfully. 
In short, leadership position is the opportunity for any individual with inspiration to become a competent and resourceful person. One can take the opportunity to build up leadership skills with forthcoming career development.



In recent years, many young people decide to further their study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?


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Nowadays, some buildings such as offices and schools have open-space design instead of separate rooms.  Why is it so? Do you think that this is a positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.




Some countries achieve international success, building specialised sports facilities for top athletes to train instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Positive or negative?




It is now generally accepted that human activity is leading to the mass extinction of animals both on land and at sea. In this essay, I will discuss several causes for this global phenomenon, and attempt to identify what could be done to solve this problem.