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The human race has undoubtedly left its mark on the world. Despite a growing awareness of the impact we are
having on the environment around us, this realisation is coming too late for some of the creatures which share
this planet.
One of the main reasons that wildlife is under threat is loss of habitat. As the world’s population continues to
grow at an alarming rate, more and more land is cleared for agricultural use. Global warming is also making it
more difficult for animals such as polar bears to find food. Typically, these creatures hunt for seals on the sea
ice, but as the temperature of the Earth rises, many polar bears are starving to death.
In addition, oil spills have had a devastating impact on our oceans. Pristine environments such as the Great
Barrier Reef in Australia have fallen victim to companies breaching the law and entering restricted areas.
Many governments around the world have already taken steps to try to protect our wildlife from further
damage. Laws have been introduced which are designed to limit the destruction of the animals’ habitat and
reduce the carbon emissions which lead to global warming. However, in order for these regulations to have a
greater impact, they need to be tightened and more strictly enforced.
In my opinion, offering incentives for adopting a more environmentally friendly approach is likely to be more
effective than increasing the penalties for those who break the law. Eco-tourism has a lot of potential. On the
coast of Mexico, local people who used to take turtles’ eggs for food have now set up a foundation which aims
to protect the turtles. Tourists pay to visit the centre and also have the chance to release baby turtles into the
ocean for a small fee.


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Some people think younger people are not suitable for important positions in government. Others think it will be a good idea for younger people to take on these positions. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.



 Some people think all lawbreakers should be put into prison. Others believe that there are better alternatives. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


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The pie charts demonstrate how water usage in Sydney was divided up by four different industries and civilian use, in 1997 and 2007.


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 This line graph gives the number of foreign visitors who came to a European country from 1987 to 2007. Visitor numbers to three different places (the coast, the mountains and the lakes) were recorded for each year.

First, we can see that there was a general increase in the total number of visitors to this European country, from about 70 million in 1987 to about 155 million in 2007. But looking more closely at the number for each area, we can see some different patterns of change.


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>In some countries people are strongly influenced by fashion, such as clothing and hairstyle.  What in your opinion attracts people to fashion? Is this a positive or negative development?




 Leadership member of a group?
When given the opportunity to choose between to become a leader or being as member of group, many would choose the less demanding role as a follower in a team environment. But I tend to argue that provided with necessity skills one should sought out to the leadership position for that being a leader entails greater responsibility and opportunities in personal development. Leader ship position is the seed to breed personal excellence and industrial expertise.
First and foremost, leadership skill sets entails a great deal of interpersonal skills. One need to be more versatile when confronted with different social settings, this is especially beneficial for those aim to become mastery in building efficient support relations. Leadership position not only require leaders to be more efficient in interpersonal communication, but this interactive setting also demand leaders to embrace a charismatic and caring personality that able to glue his team member towards a shared goal. This charismatic and endearing character often establishes a trustworthy basis upon which team members are inspired toward the common goal. Thus being a leader is the best formula to shape one’s personal charm coupled with development in sophisticated interpersonal skills.
Also, leadership position urges us to take up more responsibility than others, being a leader usually suggests project ownership is taken by the leader himself, failure at which will jeopardize his career advancement. With stake at hand, leaders often voluntarily take up responsibility of overseeing projects progress after allocate to various team members. Continuous dedication is the crucial element in any successful leadership. Thus gradually one learns to take necessary responsibility with ways to coordinate and allocate tasks to others.
Third but not least, leadership position greatly facilitates one’s understanding on respective area of expertise. Leadership position not only requires one to engage extensive with various tasks at hand but in-depth knowledge of a peculiar task cannot be expensed as well. For instance, if you are not resourceful enough towards a subject that involved in your project, you will not be able to provide assistance to your subordinate in time of need. Also, you will find it impossible to provide professional guidance or creative solution in project execution phase. Thus, professional know-how is needed for leaders to carry out projects successfully. 
In short, leadership position is the opportunity for any individual with inspiration to become a competent and resourceful person. One can take the opportunity to build up leadership skills with forthcoming career development.








In recent years, many young people decide to further their study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?


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ATASK2:  Governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move from large  cities to regional areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?