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The human race has undoubtedly left its mark on the world. Despite a growing awareness of the impact we are
having on the environment around us, this realisation is coming too late for some of the creatures which share
this planet.
One of the main reasons that wildlife is under threat is loss of habitat. As the world’s population continues to
grow at an alarming rate, more and more land is cleared for agricultural use. Global warming is also making it
more difficult for animals such as polar bears to find food. Typically, these creatures hunt for seals on the sea
ice, but as the temperature of the Earth rises, many polar bears are starving to death.
In addition, oil spills have had a devastating impact on our oceans. Pristine environments such as the Great
Barrier Reef in Australia have fallen victim to companies breaching the law and entering restricted areas.
Many governments around the world have already taken steps to try to protect our wildlife from further
damage. Laws have been introduced which are designed to limit the destruction of the animals’ habitat and
reduce the carbon emissions which lead to global warming. However, in order for these regulations to have a
greater impact, they need to be tightened and more strictly enforced.
In my opinion, offering incentives for adopting a more environmentally friendly approach is likely to be more
effective than increasing the penalties for those who break the law. Eco-tourism has a lot of potential. On the
coast of Mexico, local people who used to take turtles’ eggs for food have now set up a foundation which aims
to protect the turtles. Tourists pay to visit the centre and also have the chance to release baby turtles into the
ocean for a small fee.


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Political turmoil, crime rampage, terrorist attacks, poverty, and tragedy, news always has a habit of erring on the grim side. Our planet is not a kind place - at least, if you keep up with the latest media reports, and that leaves people feeling hopeless and apathetic. This is exactly why I reckon the media need to take a new perspective and start to focus more on the good news.


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 Nowadays, some buildings such as offices and schools have open-space design instead of separate rooms.  Why is it so? Do you think that this is a positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Essay by Jeenn Lee Hsieh:
These days, it is common to see an increasing number of open-plan offices and schools, particularly in most major cities where there is limited area for buildings.  The main reason for this trend is cost, of course, since the value of floor space has been rising.  While having an open-space design is usually cheaper, it is worthy of more research on the pros and cons of this development.
To begin with, being cheaper in cost is certainly not the only positive aspect about the growingly popular open-space concept.  Regarding the construction of schools or universities, the open-plan design is meant to play the dual role of social interaction among students and environmental enhancement on a compact campus in the urban setting.  This is made possible by eliminating barriers such as walls, fences and hedges that traditionally used to separate distinct functional areas.  Meanwhile, such advantages may as well happen to the office floor.  It is argued that there are better interaction between staff, less distinction between different rankings of co-workers, more flexible space, and more natural light because of the removal of inteior walls.  All these serve to explain the popularity of the open-space design.
As often as not, the open-space design may just turn out to be a negative development leading to stress, if nothing else.  On the campus, it is reported that students are exposed to high levels of stress in their learning activities.  Surveys repetively show the majority of them are experiencing significant stress as a result of interpersonal conflicts, self-esteem complexities, time constraints, academic frustrations and emotional problems.  Similar effects are even more apparent in the working environment on the office floor.  For instance, it is hard for staff to concentrate due to lack of privacy and feeling of being watched.  What is more, problems of constant noise are likely to lower staff performance.
To sum up, there are both good things and bad things about open schools or open offices.  While the recent trend toward the open-plan design can be explained as at least cost-efficient, it is also important to know that those benefits are typically offset by myriad distractions and stressful situations.  Independent of the cost factor, not all people like the open-space design.  (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh


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In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have more positive or negative effects on the society?

Coupled with the rapid development in medical science and life quality, people are able to live longer, and the proportion of old people are rising at a steady pace. However, whether it has more positive or negative impacts is certainly a contentious one.

Granted, with the increase of senior citizens, the younger generation acquire more opportunities to spend time with their senior relatives. They could enjoy a large family gathering, sharing their happiness, sadness and problems  with the their great grandparents, during which time they might occasionally acquire several pieces of valuable advice. The rich experiences of the senior members could possibly inspire the junior ones to develop a different way to  cope with grumpy superiors in workplace, for example,writing a long and heart-touching email to an angry boss rather than confronting with him directly. 

However, beneath the seemingly advantageous surface, tremendous negative impacts are troubling and even possibly haunting both individual families and the whole society.  Chief among the problems is the huge financial burden imposed on the younger parents who have to support four or even more orderly members along with their children. They have to pay the utility bills, buy daily necessities,  pay for the intimidating medical expense, or even hire nurses to help them to take care of their senior members, the expense of which could sometimes exceed their yearly income. Another negative influences of rising ratio of old people is that the development of society are slowing down. In particular, the lack of vigorous work force (beyond doubt, most of the elderly are weak in physical strength and not able to engage in labor demanding jobs) are hindering the development of social economy and industry. For example, in China, though it has the largest population in the world, there is a serious shortage of labor-intensive workers in most of areas including construction sites and factories, hindering the further advancement of country.

By way of conclusion, the problems involved in the continuously climbing proportion of aged people far outweigh its benefits, considering the undue financial pressure on families  and the slower development of society.




ATASK2:  Governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move from large  cities to regional areas. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


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2014-07-10IELTSWriting Task 2

Some countries achieve international success by building specialized sports facilities for top athletes to train instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?


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Question: It is important for the governments to provide money to things that are beautiful and not 

just for things that are practical. 


 sample answer: 


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Some countries achieve international success, building specialised sports facilities for top athletes to train instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Positive or negative?


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Some[gab1]  people think that air travel creates a great deal of pollution and consumes a considerable amount of fuel resources[gab2] . To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons and examples from your own personal experience.




Nowadays, with living standards becoming higher and higher, more people are able to afford household appliances such as TV, microwave, oven and rice cooker. In my opinion, that is a positive phenomenon which stands for a more efficient and convenient life.