这个是我好哥哥写的雅思作文,形容流水,雅思8分写作 自拍照 PTE 托福







一个姑娘,以前的国内著名雅思培训机构的,目前已经移民加拿大了,做事非常踏实,雅思四个7分,雅思枪手 代考 替考 专业雅思替考 代考

Topic 1: choosing a suitable career is a problem that faces many young people. What are the reasons? What suggestion would you give to them to help them make the right decision?


这个姑娘自诩可以考到四个7分,结果给我代考,就考了四个6.5分,幸好客人只要6分就可以了,要不然麻烦了 ,澳洲雅思替考 代考

Some people think all law breakers should be put into prison.Others believe that there are better alternatives.Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that there are better methods to deal with law breakers, while others think all law breakers should be put into prison. In my point of view, both of them are one-sided, since punishments used by many countries in the world today are indeed varied, including but not limited to: imprisonment, fines, custodial training, etc.
    Traditionally, when a person commits crimes either intended or unintended, he or she will be detained administratively or criminally in prison, waiting for a local or senior court to decide the final penalty. That final decision could be longer days in prison, certain amount of forfeitures, sometimes even the death penalty. Since ancient times, rulers have found these ways useful, not only causing the law breaker material and spiritual losses, but also making compensations for the victims, while achieving the goal of warning the common people.
    However, opposing critics still find the punishments “insufficient”, which merely cause superficial wastage while not being enough to purify the whole society. Thus, alternative penalties have been implemented, when courts makes their decisions, they consider more about how to maximize the educational effect instead of making punishments a mere formality. In western countries, some courts even invite priests to educate the guilty.
    I think apart from imprisonment and custodial training, it is worthwhile for governments to consider novel ways to punish law breakers, for example, writing remorse letters, free laboring for compensation, and so on. Perhaps the current judicial system simply put too much attention on following routine procedures, while ignoring the true needs of our victims. In the future, the main court can try inviting the victims to take part in the ruling procedure, and make punishments more effective and coping with the popular conviction.


雅思考试替考被揭穿 会有什么后果?我来给你答案



        我不知道后面会发生什么情况 局势也开始变得我无法控制

        1 我自己有很强烈的出国想法 于是报名参加雅思考试

        2 复习雅思并报名考了两次之后 发现成绩仍然不如自己期望那么高
        我要的成绩是总分6.5 最低项6.0

        3 于是我想
        第三次不论发生什么情况以什么代价 我一定要拿到我期望的成绩
        在这样的动机之下 我网上找了替考
        他是上海某所著名高校的英语专业研究生 英文非常好

        4 去年的某天他去参加了考试 我门口候考

        5 10个工作日以后我网上查到了雅思成绩
        听力和阅读接近全满分 总分非常高
        这样的成绩是足够申请LSE 普林斯顿了
        但是很明显 不是我自己的英语水平
        而且我自己后期再怎么温习也没法catch up 上这一成绩。

        6 尽管出现了纰漏 但是我仍然按照事先约定付了款
        中介说如果再考一次 必须另外在收一次款

        7 我拿着这个非常高的成绩申请了学校

        8 我在付款给替考的当时我就提出我会自己在考次雅思

        9 于是我报名参加了今年的某次雅思考试
        在成绩出来的前一天 我考多少分不重要
        就说我两次考试的笔迹不一致 怀疑是伪造的

        10 但是我现在的情况是 人已经在国外了
        当然我心里也知道 如果我很听话的回去了
        很有可能就再也出不了国 直接永久禁考雅思+上他们的黑名单了

        11 我现在担心的是
        我在现在这里都是有我的亲戚的 长辈很多
        被长辈知道 我是这么出国的我就死定了

        12 最后一点我要问的是
        会不会严重到 “限期离境”??



Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore, children should be encouraged to watch television both at home and at school. To what extent, do you agree or disagree?



Nowadays, the education system faces the challenges of training globalized and well-rounded young candidates for the society. Although more and more academic disciplines and subjects are being introduced in schools and universities, students still face the reality of a competitive job market. Among the listed subjects, I think that literature is the least important and foreign languages are the most important.


这个姑娘雅思代考,第一次就考了写作8分 四个7分 澳洲代考托福替考 澳洲枪手

Some people think humans can exploit animals for any purpose that they need while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion?

When it comes to the relationship between animals and human beings, quite a few people declare that human beings are entitled to exploit animals for whatever purpose they want, while others consider it otherwise. Personally, I side with the latter. 

Advocates for freely exploring animals claim that, just like wolves to sheep, humans are on the superior to all animals. In their opinion, they should be allowed to take any advantage from any animal, including feeding on dogs’ meat, manufacturing clothes out of foxes’ fur and conducting medical experiments on alive mice. However, there is no such thing as superiority in nature. Each animal species, be it little frog in a farming field or massive tiger in a remote mountain, plays an irreplaceable part in its food chain and helps to maintain the balance of the nature.Without animals, the ecological system would be destroyed and human beings would not be able to survive in the future. 

Exploiting animals at will should not be permitted, and the two main reasons are as follows. First of all, some exploiting behaviors from human beings completely ignores the pain or even the death of animals.  In the case of extracting gall from alive bears, the bears feel extremely intensive pain, lying hopelessly in the cage, with blood flowing out from the bitter wounds on the chest and tears welling out off its innocent eyes. No civilized person would approve such brutal cases.  Second of all,  most of human’s activities of exploiting animals are not necessary. For example, the clothes of artificial furs, mostly made from fiber, provide equal warming and dressing effect with those of furs which human beings tripped mercilessly off alive foxes and rabbits. Besides, there have already been plenty of vegetarians worldwide, relying on bean products to satisfy their protein needs and living healthily, which means human beings can do without the meat from animals.

In conclusion, human beings should not exploit animals at will as some of human activities involving animals are too brutal to be approved and there are plenty of substitutes for the so-called necessary activities.


我以前都觉得女孩,写作不行,但是这个姑娘雅思写作7.5分,托福写作考过28分,PTE 也不再话下

When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life dies out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


As the development of science and technology upgrading itself at a daily basis, some conventional skills and ways of life have been replaced by the latest ones. In my personal opinion, with the invention of more advanced technologies, there is no point to keep most of the traditional skills and ways of living with only a few exceptions.


一个墨尔本的移民律师,小姑娘,很厉害,雅思可以考8分,PTE 托福110 澳洲代考 澳洲枪手 雅思枪手 替考

Scientists often tell people what activities are good for the health of people, while others are bad. But most people continue with unhealthy activities. Why? Solutions.


It is a fact that scientists know what it is best for our body and which activities we should practise to remain or become healthy. However, we often see people surround us often do the contrary to what being told by the scientists. Here are some reasons that people continue with unhealthy activities as well as suggestions that may help people to change their behaviour.


一个大牛写的,绝对是牛逼啊,雅思8分 PTE 80分

Topic 1: choosing a suitable career is a problem that faces many young people. What are the
reasons? What suggestion would you give to them to help them make the right decision?

Every year as 20-somethings leave their college campuses and enter the professional workforce,
they must cope with the same challenges.

Although a diploma has equipped young people with the technical and intellectual tools, choosing a
career is probably as overwhelming as choosing a major. For some who are trained in a highly
specialized field such as maths and science, starting a career could mean an entry-level position in
an industry related to their studies. For some others, choosing a career isn't necessarily easy.
Students who majored in the humanities for example, might not find a position that is directly linked
with their academic training. They might have to re-evaluate their skill sets and edit their résumés to
highlight the applicability of their diplomas.

However difficult the job search is, there are some general guidelines for everyone. First, young
people should be open to jobs in all fields. They should not limit their search by their own majors, or
should they a quickly dismiss a job position because it has nothing to do with their degrees. Like
trying on shoes, you would never know if the shoe fits unless you try it on.

Second, a career takes time to plan and strategize. A young person might have to make some
compromises in the short term to reach their ultimate goal. For example, an art history graduate
wants the career of a curator, but finds only administrative positions or internships open at the
moment. The advice is to take the position and gradually transition to their "dream job". The
experience is not only a meaningful addition to one's resume, but also an opportunity to familiarize
oneself with all aspects of the industry.

Lastly, young people should keep in mind that there are always jobs that have not been created yet.
Blogging and freelancing were once unimaginable to job seekers in the past. The rapid
transformations brought about by technology mean that there are always ways to build a career, if
you are creative enough.



Solving environmental problems should be the responsibility of one international organization instead of state or national government. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

An increasing numbers of environmental problems make both institutions and governments
[mg1] concerned. I believe that solving environmental such problems should not be the responsibility of one international organization alone.

To begin with, it is seems that international organizations such as World Wildlife Fund or WWF, are more indeed
[mg2]  professionals in on solving environment problems. The international These organizations have has the ability to call for experts in related relative fields from all over all of the globe. Most of them possess highly specialized knowledge and rich experiences on environmental issues. Additionally, a great deal of resources are is [mg3] available in and are used byfor international organizations such as. automated detection machines, advanced robots, and support equipments[mg4]  which are used by international would be far more effective on in solving environmental problems. Furthermore, international organizations can be able to gather the helps from various countries and take charge of international cooperation,; and thus, can effectively solve the environmental issues.

However, it is generally accepted that one of the government's unique functions is legislation which the government can standardizes behaviors in managing and improving environmental protection through policies so that the serious problems would be controlled to some extent. Besides, the policies about environmental protection are authorized and convincing. Therefore, the rules and regulations are easy to be implemented and then achieve good effects on environmental protection.
[mg5] Last but not least, Finally, the government can also provide enough funds and equipments when necessary during the process of problem solving.
In conclusion, I think that the long-term environmental problems solving should depend on the joint efforts from all institutions all over of the world.