这个是我好哥哥写的雅思作文,形容流水,雅思8分写作 自拍照 PTE 托福







一篇雅思写作小作文7分,值得学习,澳洲雅思考试 澳洲雅思移民

The 图表类型 gives information about the courses, professors and students of three colleges in a certain province in Canada.


Overall, Seaford College has the highest reputation among three colleges in the aspects of lecturers’ qualifications, course fulfilment and graduates’ employment rate.


In terms of the percentages of lecturers with PhD qualifications, Harrison College ranks the lowest, with 30% of lecturers having PhD degree. Brand College has higher proportion of PhD lecturers than Harrison (43%). The majority of lecturers (54%) in Seaford College, by comparison, hold the PhD degree.


However, in spite of the highest percentage of PhD degree of lecturers, only 55% of lessons is given top rating by inspectors in Seaford College. In contrast, 69% and 65% of lessons are given top rating in Brand College and Harrison College respectively.


The qualifications of lecturers contribute to the proportion of students who complete courses and find jobs within 6 months after graduation. Harrison College has the lowest percentage of course completion (72%). The proportion of completing course is slightly higher in Brand College (79%). Seaford leads the group of completing courses (82%). Similar trend is found in the proportion of students who get employed with 6 months after they graduate. Seaford College has highest proportion of employment rate (93%), followed by Brand College (85%) and Harrison College (80%).


In conclusion, the employment rate of students within six months after graduation is high in all three colleges.


这个女孩现在移民到加拿大,写作一本正经的,雅思写作,有点中文式,给她 雅思7分吧

Topic: what are the main tasks of universities: to offer students knowledge and skills essential for their future career, or to provide students with access to knowledge itself? What do you think university education should contain?


这个哥们是一个奇迹,每次口语都是9分,但是雅思写作总是写不了7分,如果写作7的话, 那就是四个9分雅思

According to research, there are numerous countries around the world, these days, that are having a problem of aging society. The ratio of elderly is continuously increasing. As a universal problem, it has positive impacts as well as the negative ones to families and the whole society.



Some countries achieve international success by building specialized sports facilities for top athletes to train instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?



In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend make positive or negative effects to the society? 

It is inevitable that the aging has been a strong trend in many parts of the world for many years. Part of reasons would be the rapid development of some industries like healthcare, medicines or even insurance and etc… and the others might include government policies, culture changes, and social moral shifts. Some countries, especially the developed ones, has stepped into the aging society which has a fairly large proportion of older people in the overall population structure, while more developing countries are moving to this direction at different paces. As a result of which, the debate on the impacts of aging population to a society, in general, never ends.

A certain proportion of social study expertise insists that aging has more positive effects than negative, to a society. They claims that more older people help to form a more mature, steady social environments, as they believe, supported from previous population studies, that older people have more respects to the public communities, and are much less aggressive when conflicts arise. Secondly, this trend can significantly stimulate the development of some relevant industries like healthcare and medicines, and perfect the government pension system and commercial insurance system, as the demand on those products increases in line with the aging trend. 

While there are also many other professionals criticizing the positive effects from aging to a society might be over-estimated and the negative impacts could be substantial. This is particularly true to some developing countries, where sound pension and healthcare insurance systems have not been established. As aging adds much more pressures on these systems than societies which are dominated by young people. Secondly, large proportion of older people means relatively small proportion of young and mid-aged people, who are the primary contributors to the industry and overall economy. Thus lacking of working force is always a key issue for aging society. Last but not least, within a family unit, mid-generations have much more pressures financially and emotionally, from the older and younger generations in the family, which is particularly true in some countries where one child policy are deployed, like China. 

The debate never ends and there is no universally dominating opinion over the other. I believe that the population proportion and the economy status should be somewhat balanced, in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the shortages from society becoming aging. More specific, when a society is inevitably becoming an aging one, we need to ensure the related industries and policies are in place to support the transition.


我这里很少发雅思小作文7分写作,这里是一个 高大帅气靓仔写的,德才兼备啊!比你帅气 多金的比你还努力,这个是多么令人无能为力的事情啊

This line graph gives the number of foreign visitors who came to a European country from 1987 to 2007. Visitor numbers to three different places (the coast, the mountains and the lakes) were recorded for each year.

First, we can see that there was a general increase in the total number of visitors to this European country, from about 70 million in 1987 to about 155 million in 2007. But looking more closely at the number for each area, we can see some different patterns of change.

The number of visitors to the coast started at about 40 million in 1987, and then dropped slightly to 30 million in 1992. After this, it rose all the way up to 70 million in 2007. Visitor numbers to the mountains were only 10 million in 1987, but then it went through a period of dramatic increase. The number reached its peak at 75 million in 2002. By comparison, visitor numbers to the lakes did not show a very strong fluctuation. It received 20 to 30 million guests throughout the period.

Overall, we can see that the coast was the most popular destination among the three areas, and the lakes were the least popular.



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Topic 1: choosing a suitable career is a problem that faces many young people. What are the

reasons? What suggestion would you give to them to help them make the right decision?




The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree and disagree? 




Task 2


Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?


当时联系我的时候,说可以考四个7, 我嗤之以鼻,但是 后来觉得 这个小美女真的是实力 选手雅思写作7分绝对的


Some people think all lawbreakers should be put into prison. Others believe that there are better alternatives. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



As the world witnesses an increasing number of crimes every year, people seem to become a lot less tolerable towards lawbreakers. Some even suggests that all of them should be put into prison. Personally, I can understand why people make such behest, even though their request has clearly gone too extreme.Nowadays,the public is bombarded with horrible news like random shooting on campus and drunk driver hit and run, naturally people feel scared and worried.  To lessen their insecurity, they believe that it is necessary to take harsh and strict measures, i.e. putting every lawbreaker behind bars.  Even though their cause is reasonable, I do not find it adequate or practical to implement such proposal.