一个英国留学的女孩,写作6.5分,但是她自己一直认为是7分 我也是醉了

Children find it difficult to concentrate on or to pay attention to school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem?

Nowadays the number of students that face difficulty in concentration is increasing, more and more students are incapable to concentrate as they used to during prolonged hours of lectures.  This weaken ability to concentrate can be verified by the reduction in concentration time span for most of the students nowadays compare to previous generations. This significant reduction should raise alarms to our educational professionals, and certain measures can be employed to help our students to achieve an ideal state of alertness during classes.  

Reasons behind this potential damaging inadvertence among our children should be examined on a case by case basis since individual discrimination should be taken into account. But reasons behind majority of the cases should account to a reinforced habitual state of inadvertence. After we further examined the underlying driving force that encourages such acquired habit, it revealed that the most probably culprit for this unfavorable trend is the computers and smart phones. Technology gadgets can be detrimental to immature mind, children are vulnerable to a constant bombarding stimulus ranging from tweets to video news websites and as a result they tend to switch their focus from one moment to next. In this way, inability to prolonged concentration emerges, to make matter worse they hardly have the chance to rectify this behavior pattern since the stimulus are always there for them to look at.

The problem of concentration should be address immediately with caution. Though it may be unrealistic to ban smart phone during school hours all at once, we can make our children aware the consequence of obsession with their tech tools. This rectification relies on raise students ‘ self-aware to what is entailed by concentration therefore no further implementation of outside discipline is needed, we hope students will exerts certain amount of self-control by themselves after familiarized with a relatively deeper concentration state.  To help them achieve this automotive state of concentration, I urge schools and educational professionals to conduct daily mixed class group study on tasks that promotes concentration, in these new environment children are given the opportunity to excel among the newly met peers in tasks that require concentration.  With other clearly presented suggestions and maneuvers, new environment coupled with underlying incentives should be enough for our students to achieve their best performance voluntarily.

To summarize, reasons behind concentration issue in children can be attribute to technology abuse to a large extent.  To minimize the damage caused by fancy tech gadgets, adults can have innovative way to help our young in realize the potential harm and begin to regulate themselves on daily basis.

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